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Welcome to Reykunyu! Reykunyu is a user-friendly online Na'vi dictionary, supporting translations to and from English, German, French, and other languages.

Reykunyu is Na’vi for "someone who causes (you) to find (something)". Search for reykun and -yu for more information! (Note for Na’vi experts: -yu is not productive with ‹eyk›, so this usage is technically non-productive. Reykunyu is a name though, so anything goes.)

Interested in learning Na’vi?

A dictionary like Reykunyu is great for reference, but not necessarily useful to actually study the language. For proper learning materials (grammar guides, lessons, word lists for beginners, etc.) please visit one of the websites dedicated to learning Na’vi: Kelutral or Learn Na’vi.

Looking up words

To look up a word, go to Reykunyu's main page, type the word you're looking for into the search box, and press Enter. Make sure the dropdown to the right of or below the search box is set to Na'vi ↔ English (this is the default):

You can either input a Na'vi word to find its English translation, or you can input a word in English to find Na'vi words with your searched word in their definition. (If you want to search in another language, then use the language selector in the top-right.) Reykunyu tries to guess which of the two search directions you wanted, but if necessary, you can switch between them with the Na'vi → English and English → Na'vi tabs that appear under the search box after you made a search:

The small numbers on the tabs indicate how many results there are for the corresponding search direction.

Na’vi → English searches

When you input a Na’vi word, Reykunyu is quite good at detecting affixes. You should be able to search for almost any affixed form. Reykunyu will figure out what affixes your word has, and show you its dictionary form plus a list of affixes that were present in your word. Reykunyu also does its best to figure out what you meant if your word has incorrectly applied affixes. In this case, it will also show you what would have been the correct affixed form. Additionally, you can search for more than one word at a time, in which case Reykunyu will display a list of separate words, looking something like this:

Click on a word to see the results for that word. As you can see, Reykunyu automatically detects phrases and si-verbs, and treats them as a single word.

English → Na’vi searches

When you input an English word, make sure to only input one word at a time, and input it in its dictionary form (for example, "want", not "wanted"). Reykunyu doesn't know English grammar rules, and doesn't understand that "wanted" is just a form of "want". So searching for "wanted" won't give useful results.


Word types

Reykunyu shows for each word which type of word it is. It uses the following abbreviations:

n. noun
npr. proper name
pn. pronoun
adj. adjective
num. numeral
adv. adverb
adp. adposition
adp+ leniting adposition
intj. interjection
part. particle
conj. conjunction
sbd. subordinator ("F-word")
vin. intransitive verb
vtr. transitive verb
vm. modal verb
vcp. copula verb
inter. interrogative
pref. prefix
inf. infix
suff. suffix
phr. phrase

Other search modes

Besides the default Na'vi ↔ English mode, Reykunyu offers two other search modes that you can select using the dropdown in the search box.

The Annotated Dictionary mode allows you to search in the Annotated Dictionary by Stefan G. Müller. This dictionary contains, besides the definitions for the Na’vi words, a large number of usage examples and clarifications. Reykunyu contains the exact same data as the Annotated Dictionary PDF file. Note that Reykunyu won't find affixed forms in this mode.

The Rhymes mode is a simple rhyme dictionary. It allows you to find rhyme words, grouped by number of syllables and the stressed syllable. This is useful mostly when writing poetry.