let strings = { "en": { "language": "English", "menu-all-words": "All words", "menu-study": "Study", "menu-administration": "Administration", "menu-add-new-word": "Add new word", "menu-recent-edits": "Recent edits", "menu-untranslated-words": "Untranslated words", "menu-etymology-editor": "Etymology editor", "menu-sources-editor": "Sources editor", "menu-corpus-editor": "Corpus editor", "menu-logout": "Logout", "menu-login": "Login", "menu-settings": "Settings", "menu-help": "Help", "menu-rhymes": "Rhymes", "dialog-cancel": "Cancel", "dialog-save": "Save", "dialog-close": "Close", "settings": "Settings", "settings-pronunciation": "Pronunciation", "settings-pronunciation-explanation": "By default, Reykunyu shows the pronunciation of words in Na’vi spelling, with the stressed syllable underlined (nay-weng). If you prefer IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) notation (naj.ˈwɛŋ) instead, check the checkbox below.", "settings-pronunciation-ipa": "Use IPA for pronunciation", "settings-theme": "Theme", "settings-theme-explanation": "Reykunyu supports light and dark themes. It automatically follows your browser settings, so if you want to switch, look in your browser’s settings panel (for example in Firefox: Settings > Language and Appearance > Website appearance).", "type-n": "noun", "type-n:unc": "noun", "type-n:si": "intransitive verb", "type-n:pr": "proper name", "type-pn": "pronoun", "type-adj": "adjective", "type-num": "numeral", "type-adv": "adverb", "type-adp": "adposition", "type-adp:len": "leniting adposition", "type-intj": "interjection", "type-part": "particle", "type-conj": "conjunction", "type-ctr": "subordinate conjunction (\"F-word\")", "type-v:?": "verb, unknown type", "type-v:in": "intransitive verb", "type-v:tr": "transitive verb", "type-v:m": "modal verb", "type-v:si": "intransitive verb", "type-v:cp": "copula verb", "type-phr": "phrase", "type-inter": "interrogative", "type-aff:pre": "prefix", "type-aff:pre:len": "prefix", "type-aff:in": "infix", "type-aff:suf": "suffix", "type-nv:si": "intransitive verb", "type-traditional-n": "n.", "type-traditional-n:unc": "n.", "type-traditional-n:si": "vin.", "type-traditional-n:pr": "npr.", "type-traditional-pn": "pn.", "type-traditional-adj": "adj.", "type-traditional-num": "num.", "type-traditional-adv": "adv.", "type-traditional-adp": "adp.", "type-traditional-adp:len": "adp+", "type-traditional-intj": "intj.", "type-traditional-part": "part.", "type-traditional-conj": "conj.", "type-traditional-ctr": "sbd.", "type-traditional-v:?": "v.", "type-traditional-v:in": "vin.", "type-traditional-v:tr": "vtr.", "type-traditional-v:m": "vm.", "type-traditional-v:si": "vin.", "type-traditional-v:cp": "vcp.", "type-traditional-phr": "phr.", "type-traditional-inter": "inter.", "type-traditional-aff:pre": "pref.", "type-traditional-aff:pre:len": "pref.", "type-traditional-aff:in": "inf.", "type-traditional-aff:suf": "suff.", "type-traditional-nv:si": "vin.", "stress-unknown": "(stress pattern unknown)", "status-unconfirmed": "unconfirmed word", "status-unconfirmed-header": "Unconfirmed:", "status-unofficial": "unofficial word", "status-unofficial-header": "Unofficial:", "status-loan": "loanword", "status-loan-header": "Loanword:", "status-unconfirmed-explanation": "This word has never been officially confirmed by Paul Frommer. Keep that in mind if you decide to use it.", "status-loan-explanation": "This word was loaned from English or another Earth language. For completeness, we include loanwords in this dictionary if and only if Paul Frommer has used them in one of his writings. However, since any word could be loaned into Na’vi if the need arises to talk about Earth concepts, this distinction is by definition arbitrary.", "image-drawn-by": "drawn by", "etymology": "Etymology", "etymology-from": "From", "derived": "Derived words", "source": "Source", "see-also": "See also", "conjugated-forms": "Conjugated forms", "singular": "singular", "dual": "dual", "trial": "trial", "plural": "plural", "subjective": "subjective", "agentive": "agentive", "patientive": "patientive", "dative": "dative", "genitive": "genitive", "topical": "topical", "or": "or", "attributive-forms": "Attributive forms", "infix-positions": "Infix positions", "sentence-search": "Sentence search", "usages-found-singular": "usage found", "usages-found-plural": "usages found", "no-results": "No results found", "no-results-description-navi": "If you’re searching for an English word, please switch to the English → Na’vi tab.", "no-results-description-english": "If you’re searching for a Na’vi word, please switch to the Na’vi → English tab.", "no-results-description-english-only-one": "If you’re searching for English words, please search for only one word at a time. Reykunyu cannot currently search for English phrases consisting of more than one word.", "no-results-description-annotated": "Reykunyu can find only single words without affixes in the Annotated Dictionary. If you’re searching for a conjugated Na’vi word, or a string of words, please switch to Na’vi ↔ English mode.", "did-you-mean": "Did you mean", "omitted-more": "more", "not-found": "(not found)", "searching-error": "Something went wrong while searching", "searching-error-description": "Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact me.", "parsing-error": "Something went wrong while analyzing your sentence", "syllable": "syllable", "syllables": "syllables", "stressed-on": "stressed on syllable" }, "de": { "language": "Deutsch", "menu-all-words": "Alle Wörter", "menu-study": "Lernen", "menu-administration": "Verwaltung", "menu-add-new-word": "Neues Wort hinzufügen", "menu-recent-edits": "Letzte Änderungen", "menu-untranslated-words": "Unübersetzte Wörter", "menu-etymology-editor": "Etymologien bearbeiten", "menu-sources-editor": "Quellen bearbeiten", "menu-corpus-editor": "Corpus bearbeiten", "menu-logout": "Ausloggen", "menu-login": "Einloggen", "menu-settings": "Einstellungen", "menu-help": "Hilfe", "menu-rhymes": "Reimen", "dialog-cancel": "Abbrechen", "dialog-save": "Speichern", "dialog-close": "Schließen", "settings": "Einstellungen", "settings-pronunciation": "Aussprache", "settings-pronunciation-explanation": "Reykunyu zeigt die Aussprache standardmäßig in Na’vi-Rechtschreibung, die betonte Silbe ist unterstrichen (nay-weng). Falls du IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) bevorzugst (naj.ˈwɛŋ), aktiviere die nachfolgende Checkbox.", "settings-pronunciation-ipa": "Benutze IPA für Aussprache", "settings-theme": "Theme", "settings-theme-explanation": "Reykunyu unterstützt Tag- und Nachtmodus. Die Einstellungen von deinen Browsereinstellungen werden automatisch übernommen, wenn du den Modus wechseln möchtest, wechsle die Einstellung in deinem Browser (zum Beispiel in Firefox: Einstellungen > Sprache und Erscheinungsbild > Erscheinungsbild von Websites).", "type-n": "Nomen", "type-n:unc": "Nomen", "type-n:si": "intransitives Verb", "type-n:pr": "Eigenname", "type-pn": "Pronomen", "type-adj": "Adjektiv", "type-num": "Numeral", "type-adv": "Adverb", "type-adp": "Adposition", "type-adp:len": "lenisierende Adposition", "type-intj": "Interjektion", "type-part": "Partikel", "type-conj": "Konjunktion", "type-ctr": "Nebensatzeinleiter (\"F-Wort\")", "type-v:?": "Verb, unbekannte Art", "type-v:in": "intransitives Verb", "type-v:tr": "transitives Verb", "type-v:m": "Modalverb", "type-v:si": "intransitives Verb", "type-v:cp": "Kopula", "type-phr": "Phrase", "type-inter": "Fragewort", "type-aff:pre": "Präfix", "type-aff:pre:len": "Präfix", "type-aff:in": "Infix", "type-aff:suf": "Suffix", "type-nv:si": "intransitives Verb", "stress-unknown": "(Betonung unbekannt)", "status-unconfirmed": "Unbestätigtes Wort", "status-unconfirmed-header": "Unbestätigt:", "status-unofficial": "Inoffizielles Wort", "status-unofficial-header": "Inoffiziell:", "status-loan": "Lehnwort", "status-loan-header": "Lehnwort:", "status-unconfirmed-explanation": "Dieses Wort wurde nie offiziell von Paul Frommer bestätigt. Sei dir dessen bewusst, wenn du es verwenden möchtest.", "status-loan-explanation": "Dieses Wort wurde der englischen oder einer anderen Sprache der Erde entlehnt. Der Vollständigkeit halber schließen wir Lehnwörter in diesem Wörterbuch ein, und auch nur, sofern Paul Frommer diese in einem seiner Texte verwendet hat. Da jedoch theoretisch jedes Wort in die Sprache der Na’vi entlehnt werden kann, wenn die Notwendigkeit dafür besteht, über Erdkonzepte zu sprechen, findet diese Unterscheidung nach eigenem Ermessen statt.", "image-drawn-by": "gezeichnet von", "etymology": "Etymologie", "etymology-from": "Von", "source": "Quelle", "see-also": "Siehe auch", "conjugated-forms": "Konjugierte Formen", "singular": "Singular", "dual": "Dual", "trial": "Trial", "plural": "Plural", "subjective": "Subjektiv", "agentive": "Agentiv", "patientive": "Patientiv", "dative": "Dativ", "genitive": "Genitiv", "topical": "Topical", "or": "oder", "attributive-forms": "Attributive Formen", "infix-positions": "Infixpositionen", "sentence-search": "Satzsuche", "usages-found-singular": "gefundene Anwendung", "usages-found-plural": "gefundene Anwendungen", "no-results": "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden", "no-results-description-navi": "Du willst nach einem deutschen Wort suchen? Dann stelle oben den Modus auf Deutsch → Na’vi.", "no-results-description-english": "Du willst nach einem Na’vi-Wort suchen? Dann stelle oben den Modus auf Na’vi → Deutsch.", "did-you-mean": "Meintest du", "omitted-more": "mehr", "not-found": "(nicht gefunden)", "searching-error": "Bei der Suche ist etwas schiefgelaufen", "searching-error-description": "Bitte versuche es später erneut. Falls dieses Problem fortbestehen sollte, wende dich bitte an mich." }, "nl": { "language": "Nederlands", "menu-all-words": "Alle woorden", "menu-study": "Studie", "menu-administration": "Administratie", "menu-add-new-word": "Nieuw woord toevoegen", "menu-recent-edits": "Recente bewerkingen", "menu-untranslated-words": "Onvertaalde woorden", "menu-etymology-editor": "Etymologieën bewerken", "menu-sources-editor": "Bronnen bewerken", "menu-corpus-editor": "Corpus bewerken", "menu-logout": "Uitloggen", "menu-login": "Inloggen", "menu-settings": "Instellingen", "menu-help": "Help", "menu-rhymes": "Rijmen", "dialog-cancel": "Annuleren", "dialog-save": "Opslaan", "dialog-close": "Sluiten", "settings": "Instellingen", "settings-pronunciation": "Uitspraak", "settings-pronunciation-explanation": "Standaard laat Reykunyu de uitspraak van woorden zien in Na’vi-spelling, met de beklemtoonde lettergreep onderstreept (nay-weng). Zie je liever IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)-notatie (naj.ˈwɛŋ), zet dan de volgende optie aan.", "settings-pronunciation-ipa": "Gebruik IPA voor uitspraak", "settings-theme": "Thema", "settings-theme-explanation": "Reykunyu ondersteunt lichte en donkere thema’s. Je browser-instellingen worden automatisch overgenomen. Wil je deze veranderen, kijk dan bij de instellingen van je browser (bijvoorbeeld in Firefox: Instellingen > Taal en Vormgeving > Uiterlijk van de website).", "type-n": "zelfstandig naamwoord", "type-n:unc": "zelfstandig naamwoord", "type-n:si": "intransitief werkwoord", "type-n:pr": "eigennaam", "type-pn": "voornaamwoord", "type-adj": "bijvoeglijk naamwoord", "type-num": "telwoord", "type-adv": "bijwoord", "type-adp": "voorzetsel", "type-adp:len": "voorzetsel (lenitie veroorzakend)", "type-intj": "tussenwerpsel", "type-part": "partikel", "type-conj": "voegwoord", "type-ctr": "onderschikkend voegwoord (\"F-woord\")", "type-v:?": "werkwoord, onbekend type", "type-v:in": "intransitief werkwoord", "type-v:tr": "transitief werkwoord", "type-v:m": "modaal werkwoord", "type-v:si": "intransitief werkwoord", "type-v:cp": "koppelwerkwoord", "type-phr": "uitdrukking", "type-inter": "vraagwoord", "type-aff:pre": "voorvoegsel", "type-aff:pre:len": "voorvoegsel", "type-aff:in": "infix", "type-aff:suf": "achtervoegsel", "type-nv:si": "intransitief werkwoord", "stress-unknown": "(klemtoon onbekend)", "status-unconfirmed": "onbevestigd woord", "status-unconfirmed-header": "Onbevestigd:", "status-unofficial": "niet-officieel woord", "status-unofficial-header": "Niet-officieel:", "status-loan": "leenwoord", "status-loan-header": "Leenwoord:", "status-unconfirmed-explanation": "Dit woord is niet officieel bevestigd door Paul Frommer. Houd daar rekening mee als je het gebruikt.", "status-loan-explanation": "Dit woord is overgenomen uit het Engels of een andere Aardse taal. Voor de volledigheid nemen we leenwoorden op in dit woordenboek als en alleen als Paul Frommer ze gebruikt heeft in een van zijn teksten. Echter, omdat ieder woord in principe geleend kan worden in het Na’vi als men het over Aardse concepten heeft, is dit onderscheid per definitie arbitrair.", "image-drawn-by": "getekend door", "etymology": "Etymologie", "etymology-from": "Van", "derived": "Afgeleide woorden", "source": "Bron", "see-also": "Zie ook", "conjugated-forms": "Verbogen vormen", "singular": "enkelvoud", "dual": "tweevoud", "trial": "drievoud", "plural": "meervoud", "subjective": "subjectief", "agentive": "agentief", "patientive": "patientief", "dative": "datief", "genitive": "genitief", "topical": "topical", "or": "of", "attributive-forms": "Attributieve vormen", "infix-positions": "Infix-posities", "sentence-search": "Zoek in zinnen", "usages-found-singular": "voorkomen gevonden", "usages-found-plural": "voorkomens gevonden", "no-results": "Geen resultaten", "no-results-description-navi": "Heb je een Nederlandse zoekterm ingevoerd, zet dan hierboven de modus op Nederlands → Na’vi.", "no-results-description-english": "Heb je een zoekterm in het Na’vi ingevoerd, zet dan hierboven de modus op Na’vi → Nederlands.", "did-you-mean": "Bedoelde je misschien", "omitted-more": "meer", "not-found": "(niet gevonden)", "searching-error": "Er ging iets mis tijdens het zoeken", "searching-error-description": "Probeer het later opnieuw. Als het probleem aanhoudt, laat het dan weten.", "syllable": "lettergreep", "syllables": "lettergrepen", "stressed-on": "klemtoon op lettergreep" }, "x-navi": { "language": "Na’vi", "menu-all-words": "Fralì’u", "menu-study": "Ftia", "menu-administration": "Leykatem", "menu-add-new-word": "Sung mipa lì’ut", "menu-recent-edits": "Aysälatem asok", "menu-untranslated-words": "Aylì’u a tìralpengluke", "menu-etymology-editor": "Lì’uä simit leykatem", "menu-sources-editor": "Säomumä simit leykatem", "menu-corpus-editor": "Aylì’ukìngit leykatem", "menu-logout": "Hum", "menu-login": "Fpxäkìm", "menu-settings": "Sìftxey", "menu-help": "Srung", "menu-rhymes": "Ayngampam", "dialog-cancel": "Tswa’", "dialog-save": "Zerok", "dialog-close": "Hum", "settings": "Sìftxey", "settings-pronunciation": "Lì’upam", "settings-pronunciation-explanation": "Nìtrrtrr wìntxu Reykunyul lì’upamit fa pamrelfya leNa’vi ulte frato ku’upa lì’kongit fa tsaäo a yeyfyati (natkenong nay-weng). Txo IPA-ti (alu International Phonetic Alphabet) nulnivew (natkenong naj.ˈwɛŋ), tsakrr nga tsivun tsat leykivatem fìtseng.", "settings-pronunciation-ipa": "Lì’upamìri sar IPA-ti", "settings-theme": "Tìlam", "settings-theme-explanation": "Tsun Reykunyu wäpivìntxu fu nìneyn fu nìvawm. Sar Reykunyul sìftxeyti ngeyä browser-ä. Ha txo nivew tsat leykivatem, tsakrr nivìn tsatsengit a fko tsun browser-ä sìftxeyti leykivatem tsatseng (natkenong, Firefox-fpi: Settings > Language and Appearance > Website appearance).", "type-n": "tstxolì’u", "type-n:unc": "tstxolì’u/ketsuktiam", "type-n:si": "kemlì’u/si", "type-n:pr": "kemlì’u/tstxo", "type-pn": "pronoun", "type-adj": "syonlì’u", "type-num": "holpxay", "type-adv": "fyalì’u", "type-adp": "starlì’u", "type-adp:len": "starlì’u/leniting", "type-intj": "interjection", "type-part": "particle", "type-conj": "conjunction", "type-ctr": "F-word", "type-v:?": "kemlì’u/unknown type", "type-v:in": "kemlì’u/intransitive", "type-v:tr": "kemlì’u/transitive", "type-v:m": "kemlì’u/modal", "type-v:si": "kemlì’u/si", "type-v:cp": "kemlì’u/copula", "type-phr": "lì’fyavi", "type-inter": "interrogative", "type-aff:pre": "eolì’uvi", "type-aff:pre:len": "eolì’uvi", "type-aff:in": "kemlì’uvi", "type-aff:suf": "uolì’uvi", "type-nv:si": "kemlì’u/si", "stress-unknown": "(lì’upam akawnomum)", "status-unconfirmed": "unconfirmed word", "status-unconfirmed-header": "Unconfirmed:", "status-unofficial": "unofficial word", "status-unofficial-header": "Unofficial:", "status-loan": "loanword", "status-loan-header": "Loanword:", "status-unconfirmed-explanation": "This word has never been officially confirmed by Paul Frommer. Keep that in mind if you decide to use it.", "status-loan-explanation": "This word was loaned from English or another Earth language. For completeness, we include loanwords in this dictionary if and only if Paul Frommer has used them in one of his writings. However, since any word could be loaned into Na’vi if the need arises to talk about Earth concepts, this distinction is by definition arbitrary.", "image-drawn-by": "– reltse’o a ta", "etymology": "Fìlì’uä tsim", "etymology-from": "Ta", "derived": "Fìlì’uta a aylì’u", "source": "Säomumä tsim", "see-also": "Tawnarea aylì’u", "conjugated-forms": "Aysrey alawnatem", "singular": "’aw", "dual": "mune", "trial": "pxey", "plural": "pxay", "subjective": "subjective", "agentive": "agentive", "patientive": "patientive", "dative": "dative", "genitive": "genitive", "topical": "topical", "or": "fu", "attributive-forms": "Attributive forms", "infix-positions": "Kemlì’uviyä meseng", "sentence-search": "Sentence search", "usages-found-singular": "usage found", "usages-found-plural": "usages found", "no-results": "Ke rìmun kea aylì’ut", "no-results-description-navi": "Txo ngal fwivew lì’uti fa lì’fya alahe, tsakrr rutxe io fìpamrel ftxivey tsalì’fyat.", "no-results-description-english": "You shouldn’t be able to see this text. If you do, please panic and inform Wllìm ;)", "did-you-mean": "Srake kolan lì’ut alu", "omitted-more": "nì’ul", "not-found": "(ke rìmun)", "searching-error": "Fwew a krr kxeyey lìmen", "searching-error-description": "Rutxe mawkrr fmi nìmum. Txo fìtìngäzìk ’ivì’awn, tsakrr rutxe peng oehu." }, "et": { "language": "Eesti" }, "fr": { "language": "Français", "type-n": "nom", "type-n:unc": "nom/indénombrable", "type-n:si": "verbe/si", "type-n:pr": "nom/nom propre", "type-pn": "pronom", "type-adj": "adjectif", "type-num": "numéral", "type-adv": "adverbe", "type-adp": "adposition", "type-adp:len": "adposition/lénition", "type-intj": "interjection", "type-part": "particule", "type-conj": "conjonction", "type-ctr": "mot en F", "type-v:?": "verbe/type inconnu", "type-v:in": "verbe/intransitif", "type-v:tr": "verbe/transitif", "type-v:m": "verbe/modal", "type-v:si": "verbe/si", "type-v:cp": "verbe/attributif", "type-phr": "loucution", "type-inter": "interrogatif", "type-aff:pre": "préfixe", "type-aff:pre:len": "préfixe", "type-aff:in": "infixe", "type-aff:suf": "suffixe", "type-nv:si": "verbe/si", "stress-unknown": "(accentuation tonique inconnue)", "status-unconfirmed": "mot non confirmé", "status-unconfirmed-header": "Non confirmé:", "status-unofficial": "mot non officiel", "status-unofficial-header": "Non officiel:", "status-loan": "mot emprunté", "status-loan-header": "Mot emprunté:", "status-unconfirmed-explanation": "Ce mot n’a jamais été officiellement confirmé par Paul Frommer. Veuillez garder cela à l’esprit si vous décidez de l’utiliser.", "status-loan-explanation": "Ce mot a été emprunté de l’anglais ou d’une langue terrestre. Pour une documentation complète de la langue, nous incluons les emprunts si et seulement si Paul Frommer les a utilisés dans ses écrits. Cependant, puisque n’importe quel mot peut être emprunté par le Na’vi, si le besoin de parler des concepts terriens survient, cette distinction est par définition arbitraire.", "image-drawn-by": "dessiné par", "etymology": "Étymologie", "etymology-from": "De", "derived": "Mots dérivés", "source": "Source", "see-also": "See also", "conjugated-forms": "Formes conjuguées", "singular": "singulier", "dual": "duel", "trial": "triel", "plural": "pluriel", "subjective": "cas sujet", "agentive": "agentif", "patientive": "patientif", "dative": "datif", "genitive": "génitif", "topical": "topical", "or": "or", "attributive-forms": "Formes attributives", "infix-positions": "Emplacement des infixes", "sentence-search": "Recherche de phrase", "usages-found-singular": "usage trouvé", "usages-found-plural": "usages trouvés", "no-results": "Aucuns résultats", "no-results-description-navi": "Si vous cherchez un mot en français, veuillez basculer vers le mode Français → Na’vi.", "no-results-description-english": "Si vous cherchez un mot en na’vi, veuillez basculer vers le mode Na’vi → Français.", "did-you-mean": "Did you mean", "omitted-more": "plus", "not-found": "(pas trouvé)", "searching-error": "Un problème est survenu pendant la recherche", "searching-error-description": "S’il vous plaît réessayez plus tard. Si le problème persiste, veuillez s’il vous plaît me contacter." }, "hu": { "language": "Magyar", "type-n": "főnév", "type-n:unc": "főnév", "type-n:si": "tárgytalan ige", "type-n:pr": "tulajdonnév", "type-pn": "névmás", "type-adj": "melléknév", "type-num": "számnév", "type-adv": "határozószó", "type-adp": "adposition", "type-adp:len": "gyengítő adposition", "type-intj": "indulatszó", "type-part": "partikula", "type-conj": "ragozott", "type-ctr": "alárendelő kötőszó (\"F-szó\")", "type-v:?": "ige, ismeretlen típus", "type-v:in": "tárgyatlan ige", "type-v:tr": "tárgyas ige", "type-v:m": "módbeli segédige", "type-v:si": "tárgyatlan ige", "type-v:cp": "kapcsolószavas ige", "type-phr": "kifejezés", "type-inter": "kérdőszó", "type-aff:pre": "előtag", "type-aff:pre:len": "előtag", "type-aff:in": "belsőtag", "type-aff:suf": "utóképző", "type-nv:si": "tárgyatlan ige", "type-traditional-n": "fn.", "type-traditional-n:unc": "fn.", "type-traditional-n:si": "i.(tn)", "type-traditional-n:pr": "tul.n.", "type-traditional-pn": "nm.", "type-traditional-adj": "mn.", "type-traditional-num": "szám.", "type-traditional-adv": "hsz.", "type-traditional-adp": "adp.", "type-traditional-adp:len": "adp+", "type-traditional-intj": "ind.", "type-traditional-part": "part.", "type-traditional-conj": "rag.", "type-traditional-ctr": "al.kö.", "type-traditional-v:?": "i.(ismeretlen)", "type-traditional-v:in": "i.(tn)", "type-traditional-v:tr": "i.(t)", "type-traditional-v:m": "mb.si.", "type-traditional-v:si": "i.(tn)", "type-traditional-v:cp": "ksz.i.", "type-traditional-phr": "kif.", "type-traditional-inter": "kérd.", "type-traditional-aff:pre": "e.t.", "type-traditional-aff:pre:len": "e.t.", "type-traditional-aff:in": "e.t.", "type-traditional-aff:suf": "uk.", "type-traditional-nv:si": "i.(tn)", "stress-unknown": "(a hangsúly mintázat ismeretlen)", "status-unconfirmed": "nem megerősített szó", "status-unconfirmed-header": "Nincs megerősítve:", "status-unofficial": "nem hivatalos szó", "status-unofficial-header": "Nem hivatalos:", "status-loan": "jövevényszó", "status-loan-header": "Jövevényszó:", "status-unconfirmed-explanation": "Ez a szó sosem lett hivatalosan megerősítve Paul Frommer által. Ezt tartsd észben ha úgy döntöd, hogy használod.", "status-loan-explanation": "Ezt a szót egy másik földi nyelvből kölcsönöztük. Csak akkor használunk kölcsönszavakat, ha Paul Frommer használta azokat írásaiban. Viszont mivel bármilyen szó használható a Na’vi-ban, ha földi koncepciókról beszélünk, ezért az ilyenfajta megkülönböztetés nem szükséges, de választható.", "image-drawn-by": "rajzolta", "etymology": "Etimológia szófejtés", "etymology-from": "Ebből", "derived": "Származtatott szavak", "source": "Forrás", "see-also": "Lásd még", "conjugated-forms": "Ragszavak", "singular": "egyes szám", "dual": "Kettes szám", "trial": "hármas szám", "plural": "többes szám", "subjective": "szubjektív", "agentive": "cselekvő", "patientive": "elszenvedő", "dative": "részes eset", "genitive": "birtokos eset", "topical": "témához kapcsolodó", "or": "vagy", "attributive-forms": "Jelzői formák", "infix-positions": "Belsőtag poziciók", "sentence-search": "Mondatkeresés", "usages-found-singular": "példát találtunk a használatra", "usages-found-plural": "példát találtunk a használatra", "no-results": "Nincs találat", "no-results-description-navi": "Ha egy angol szót keresel, akkor kérlek válts át az Magyar → Na’vi módra.", "no-results-description-english": "Ha egy Na’vi szót keresel, akkor kérlek válts át a Na’vi → Magyar módra.", "no-results-description-annotated": "A Reykunyu csak ragozatlan szavakat tud megtalálni az Annotated Dictionary-ban. Ha egy ragozott Na’vi szót vagy több szó sorozatát keresed, akkor kérlek válts át a Na’vi→ Magyar módra.", "did-you-mean": "Erre gondoltál", "omitted-more": "több", "not-found": "(nem talált)", "searching-error": "Valami hiba történt a keresés közben", "searching-error-description": "Kérlek, próbáld újra később. Ha a probléma fennáll, kérlek vedd fel velem a kapcsolatot.", "parsing-error": "Valami hiba történt az adott mondat elemzésekor.", "syllable": "szótag", "syllables": "szótagok", "stressed-on": "hangsúly a szótagon" }, "pl": { "language": "Polski" }, "ru": { "language": "Русский" }, "sv": { "language": "Svenska" } } ; function _(key) { const lang = localStorage.getItem('reykunyu-language'); if (strings.hasOwnProperty(lang) && strings[lang].hasOwnProperty(key)) { return strings[lang][key]; } else if (strings['en'].hasOwnProperty(key)) { return strings['en'][key]; } else { return '[' + key + ']'; } }